Jaysons Pharmacy
National Training Award Winner, 2007
A Nottinghamshire family pharmacy business is successfully taking on the industry’s multiples after introducing a management system that enables staff to think “outside the box.” Jaysons Pharmacy, of Long Eaton, which also has another branch in Nottingham, has been providing prescription and over-the-counter services for more than 20 years and has now been short-listed for a National Training Award.
“When the business was established 22 years ago there were 14 pharmacies in the town of which 13 were independent,” said Nitin Lakhani, Superintendent Pharmacist. “Today there are 12 but only two independents. Two of the multiples are 100-hour pharmacies (7am - 12midnight) and a third 100-hour is opening soon. The two independents have really felt the pressure.”
“Staff needed to work more efficiently in processing prescriptions because of tighter margins, and a change in attitude was required to embrace new ways of working.”
With the aid of Business Link, Jaysons developed a varied learning programme that embraced external qualifications, an in-house training system and support from management. Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, six-monthly and annual jobs were scheduled on a planner, with the emphasis on understanding the importance of each individual and their role within the team.
Weekly practice and pharmacy managers’ meetings were introduced, and a training tracking system was devised and monitored monthly, including separate goal-setting and quarterly appraisals. A basic 12-module pharmacy management course for each manager was started, and evening workshops, sponsored by pharmaceutical companies, covered one-to-one training and team building.
“Eight members of the staff are now accredited to perform NRT consultations and we have much improved external pharmacy qualifications,” said Nitin Lakhani. “Customers now walk past four other pharmacies to come to Jaysons for our care, quality of advice and services.”
A Royal Pharmaceutical Society Inspector commented: “Mr Lakhani and his staff offer a first rate service. I cannot think of another pharmacy where the staff are as keen and as well motivated as at Jaysons.”
The business is now thriving and standing up against the competition from the multiples. It is also delivering the expectations of the new NHS contract (Services and Standards). Staff have acquired a variety of new skills.
“Operating systems are now in place that we are ready to open a third branch,” said Nitin Lakhani. “We have dramatically increased the range and units of added value services, which resulted in healthy margin at a time of extreme aggressive competition. Training has been the key to that success. Staff have broken down barriers and just excelled.”